July 28, 2023

“If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.” Bruce Lee

If this is how you roll, you know that forgiveness emits from the heart’s energy center or the 4th Chakra. I’m a bit of a skeptic about the Chakras but I do grok and accept the energy field an accepting, forgiving, appreciative heart creates. But the heart is a muscle and a healthy muscle is supple and is not rigid. A rigid muscle is atrophied and dying. All this crap locked around my heart is squeezing it down little by little. Sure I nourish the heart with my gratitude project and meditation and affirmations. But it’s two steps backwards when I refuse to let muscle expand to move old hurts and resentments and fear out of my heart.  


I wish I could render the visual of my heart under the influence of my heart squeezing out the poky stuff. It would be a colored pencil drawing of a light red heart with waves of blue water flowing out of it. A ribbon of sorts leaving the middle and pouring out. The water’s current is illustrated via words, phrases, and descriptions of the things I need to forgive; both the real and the perceived. They move away from my heart to be dispersed into the Earth like raindrops and once in the Earth this putrid energy serves as compost and something beautiful will grow. 


(Taking a digital bath til Sunday or so)  


image and text Laura Ann Klein copyright 2023