November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
My astrologer called me a “Crone” a few months ago when we were discussing being the other side of my Saturn Return. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that—this Venus ruled being that I am. This word calls up visions of pinched old ladies who are grumpy and bitter. She meant it as a compliment that now I am a wise woman, experienced with depths women decades younger don’t possess. But the world at large probably sees the first image. So I think for my next act I want to help reframe what it means to be a Crone. I think many of us in this stage of life want to slash through the stereotype, the vision conjured with that word, "Crone". I don't believe this urge is a last ditch effort to preserve my mid-life self or my more youthful self. I think it's almost a compulsion because so much of society makes Crones invisible and silence. Nope you will see me. Experience me. Touch me. Know me. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
image and words copyright 2023 Laura Ann Klein