October 2023 Fragment
From “Joining the Club”
October 15, 2008 I joined the “Motherless Daughters Club”. There was no time for hand-wringing hospice decisions, malingering between this place and the next. Mother stood up, called out, and was gone before her frail body hit my bathroom floor. . .Years later, I still feel relief she was taken out of her psychic and bodily misery that morning. Mom’s battle with emphysema and a crumbling skeleton was finally over.
I am blessed with a pure loneliness for her. I am blessed I hold no regrets and I had an opportunity a few years before her death to heal another aspect of my mother wounds. Our relationship wasn’t always easy, but are they ever between mother and daughter? Off and on we weathered estrangement and were able to move to a place of loving friendship many women don‘t get to share with their mothers. I just wish we had lived closer and I had the gift of a daily friendship.